Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations


System Overview

  • Overall system is comprised of two neural networks:
    • Candidate generation (CG) network retrieves a small subset of videos that are generally applicable to user from a huge corpus. The feature used are coarse features
    • Ranking network distinguish the relative important among the candidates by assigning a score to each video according to a desired objective function. The network uses a rich set of features describing the video and the user
    • [Sijun]: This is the industry standard production recommendation system steup. It was probably novel when it was introduced in 2016

Candidate Generation (CG)

Problem Formulation

  • Post recommendation as a extreme multiclass classification with the goal of accurately classifiying a specific video watch $w_t$ at time $t$ among millions of videos $i$ from a corpus $V$ based on a user $U$ and context $C$, where $u$ represents embedding of user, context pair and $v$ represents represent video embedding of the same dimension.
\[P(w_t = i | U, C) = \frac{e^{v_{i}u}}{\sum_{j \in V}e^{v_{j}u}}\]
  • To efficiently train the model with millions of classes, negative classes were sampled from background distribution and then corrected via important weighting.
  • At serving time, approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) in the dot product space were used to retrieve the most likely N classes. This is because the calibrated likelihoods from the softmax output layer is not needed. [Sijun]: This is a really smart decision

Model Architecture


  • A user’s watch history is represented by a variable-length sequence of sparse video IDs, which is mapped to a dense vector represntationv ia the embeddings
  • The embeddings are averaged to produce a fixed-size dense inputs and learned jointly with all other model parameters
  • Other features are concaternated with the dense embeddings of watch history and searchi history at the first wide layer

Labels and Context Selection